Trump For Prison

In February of 2017, I created a viral meme of a “Trump For Prison” yard sign—a satire of the Hillary For Prison signs that littered upstate New York (and presumably elsewhere) during the presidential campaign. Based on the popularity of that meme, I decided to produce a line of Anti-Trump Protest Apparel. I hired a photographer/studio, models, stylists, and Trump For Prison was born. A portion of the proceeds benefited the ACLU.  Thousands of followers (25K+) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest & Reddit, I had over 50K visitors to my site in two years. My photos were reposted often and have gotten tens of thousands of likes. I posted actions and fostered community. I also had 7 writers and produced daily commentaries and graphics. Fun business keywords: e-commerce site design, digital marketing, email production, social media strategy, social media campaign development, merchandising photography...

Update: The store is closed as of May 2019.